Our Vision

We, the CFMSS of St. Clare’s Province, will continue to strengthen communion in fraternities as we carry the mysteries in our lives and deepen our Eucharistic Missionary Charism in communion with God, with one another and humanity at large.


The Congregation of the Clarist Franciscan Missionaries of the Most Blessed Sacrament, an International Congregation of Pontifical Right, was born on May1, 1898 at Bertinoro in Italy. It was founded by Mother Seraphina Farolfi, a member of the Franciscan Tertiaries of St. Elizabeth at Forli, which she joined in October 1878. The decree of approval of the Institute was issued by the Sacred Congregation on May 9, 1907 and the approbation of the Constitution granted on august 12, 1915.

CLARIST- co-worker of God sharing in the re-creating act of the father, the redemptive love of the son and the sanctifying work of the spirit by her life of immolation rooted in the contemplation of the Eucharist and intercessory prayer.

FRANCISCAN – building God’s Reign by a penitential life of self-denial, self-sacrifice, acts of penance and expiation aimed at one’s conversion of heart and mind, leading to the renewal of the world at large.

MISSIONARY – burning with passionate love for God and having the audacity to move to unknown territories and unexplored ventures to proclaim the Good news by the video-credibility of one’s life, upholding the primacy of prayer.

OF THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT – a witness to the transforming power of the Eucharist: daily being moulded by the Eucharist into his image and drawing strength from it to “Carry the Mysteries” to go forth and set every heart on fire with the Eucharistic flame.